World Oceans Day and why we should celebrate it.

In the run up to the General Election, it may be difficult to focus your mind on anything other than the political boxing match. But it might actually be worth investing your time into research that isn't manifestos and journal articles.

And to what am I referring?

Thursday 8th June 2017

World Oceans Day is a global celebration
whereby individuals, groups and organisations
strive for better futures for our oceans.

The theme this year is
Our Ocean, Our Future

Pretty self explanatory, right?
But what does it really mean?

Conservationists focus is finding solutions to plastic pollution.
Creating a healthier ocean by preventing marine litter.

But do you really understand the implications of dying species, global warming and human behaviour?
Sick of seeing these images?

It's time to do something about it.

Sadly with recent decisions made by President Trump, these messages are even more poignant and crucial to protect our planet.

Unlike a lot of national celebrations, there are clear ways for you to get involved - with free resources online and ideas for you.
You can even download sample tweets, posts and graphics to raise awareness and spread a new message on social media.


How can you be part of it?

So no matter where you are on June 8th, expand your reach and help make an impact on World Oceans Day.

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